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Recognition and certificates

20th of February, 2014 JSC "Kvalitetas" was recognised for Excellence 5 star.




The prize giving event moments:




7th of April, 2013 JSC ”Kvalitetas” activity has been appreciated with National Quality Management Award. 

The organization's mission- ”Quality of Life”- received public recognition. The principles of total quality management assessment of the effectiveness in 

creating value for customers and society. This award is organized by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania and has been presented by the prime ministry Algirdas Butkevičius. 


The prize giving event moments:

Also JSC ”Kvalitetas” has ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certificates:



We were born to be happy

Dalius Serafinas

Quality does not need an image, it is organization‘s & its product’s image that needs quality

Juozas Ruzevičius